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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 10 October

Saturday 1 October 1892

It is with sincere regret that we have to announce the death of Mrs. John E. WOOD, wife of our Senior Member. The sad event occurred at about 8 o’clock this morning. The late Mrs. WOOD had for a long time been a victim of a very painful illness, and her many friends had for some time been extremely anxious about her: but her death will all the same come as a very severe shock to them. The deceased lady was loved and respected by all who knew her, and the grief at her loss will be genuine and unaffected. We have no space today to give a sketch of her life, but must reserve our further remarks till next issue.

John MARTYN, a well-known and historical figure in the Swaziland of the past, has been found murdered and buried twelve yards from his store on the Lebombo Flats, [Tomabashas]. The body is half eaten by wild animals. A man known as Dick TURPIN, MARTYN’s store assistant, is suspected, as he was seen in Delagoa after the crime, wearing some of MARTYN’s clothes. He shipped for Natal in the Melrose.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th Sept 1892, the wife of W.T. DRENNAN of a son.
Fair View
Oct 1st.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday September 25th 1892, Joseph Garbett WOOD, fourth son of the late Hon. G. WOOD, aged 59 years and 7 months.

DIED at Fair View House on Saturday Oct 1st, Charlotte, beloved wife of John E. WOOD M.L.A., and daughter of the late William WRIGHT Esq.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. Jno. E. WOOD will leave Fair View House on Monday Oct 3rd at 3:30pm.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Tuesday 4 October 1892

August 30, at the Wesleyan Church, Fisher-street, Carlisle, England, by the Rev. Joshua Mason, assisted by the Rev. Joseph Burrows, Robert MATTERSON, Wesleyan Minister of Osborn, Mount Frere, East Griqualand, to Emma, daughter of the late Robert FLEMING of Carlisle.

The Carlisle papers announce the marriage of the Rev. R. MATTERSON, formerly of Grahamstown, to Miss Emma FLEMING, daughter of the late R. FLEMING Esq. of Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. MATTERSON were leaving for the Colony by the Lismore Castle, which vessel sailed about September 15.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th October, Henry Master WHITE MA, Archdeacon of Grahamstown, aged71 years.
The Funeral will leave West Hill at 8:30 Thursday morning.

DIED at Grahamstown October 3rd 1892, Denis BYRNES, aged 61 years and 5 months.
The Funeral of the late Mr. BYRNES will leave his late residence, Chapel-street, on Thursday morning next, Oct 6th, at half past 9. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The solemn tolling of the Cathedral bell this morning announced that the Venerable H. Master WHITE, Archdeacon of Grahamstown, had passed away. The sad event, which occurred at eleven o’clock, had been imminent for some time past, as the Archdeacon’s health had for long been in a most precarious condition. His death will be a serious loss to Grahamstown, socially, educationally and ecclesiastically, which it will be hard to supply. We must reserve till another issue any further comments on the interesting and blameless life now terminated on earth, merely assuring the bereaved family of the most sincere sympathy the whole town will have with them in their time of sorrow.

The funeral ceremony of the late Mrs. Jno. E. WOOD took place yesterday afternoon, in a drizzly rain, which though it must have diminished the number of those who would otherwise have been present, could not prevent a very imposing array of sincere mourners following the cortege. The hearse left Fair View House shortly after three, and proceeded to Commemoration Church, where a large and devout congregation assembled to take part in the beautiful service for the dead. The Rev. Messrs. COTTON, CRAGG and HOLDEN conducted the service in the Church, and the Rev. H. COTTON at the graveside. In addition to the long procession of mourners on foot, between twenty and thirty vehicles also followed behind. There was a profusion of beautiful and costly wreaths and floral devices placed upon the coffin. Mr. A. WILL conducted all the funeral arrangements with his usual good taste and order.

The Hon. Mr. BOTHA M.L.C. has received a telegram from his youngest brother in Matabeleland, stating that he (Mr. BOTHA’s brother) has lost a son by a gun accident. It is remarkable that this should have occurred almost at the same time as the fatality at Bloemhof.
[See notice for 15 September 1892]

Thursday 6 October 1892

The mortal remains of the late Ven. Archdeacon WHITE were interred in the Anglican Church Cemetery this morning. The procession which left his late residence at about 8:30 was an extremely long one, numbering probably between three and four hundred persons. In advance walked the students of St.Andrew’s College, followed closely by the young ladies of the Diocesan School for Girls, all clad in spotless white. Canon MULLINS’ native students formed the next part of the procession, after whom came the clergy, to the number of about twenty-five, and including the Bishop of Grahamstown and his chaplain, and the Bishop of St.John’s and his chaplain. The coffin, an extremely handsome one, was borne into the Mortuary Chapel of St.Clement, where a portion of the Burial Rite was performed, the clear voices of the schoolgirls making the hymns a pleasure to listen to. Canon MULLINS and Canon ESPIN conducted the service in the Chapel and at the graveside, and the Bishop of Grahamstown pronounced the final Benediction. The whole service was a most imposing ceremony and will be long remembered. The wreaths were many and handsome.
We extract the following from the Church Year Book for South Africa:
WHITE, Ven. Henry Master, ordained Deacon 1844, Priest 1846 by Bishop of Oxford: late Fell. and Tutor of New Coll. Oxford; 1st Class Lit. Hum. And 2nd Class Math., 1842; Johnson’s Math. Scholar and BA 1843; Pussy and Ellerton Hebrew Scholar and MA, 1849; Archdeacon of Grahamstown and Canon of St.George’s Cathedral 1871; formerly Tutor of New Coll.Oxford; Prin. of Diocesan Coll, Capetown 1849-1857; C. of Andover, Hants. 1857-61; C. of Masborough, Yorks. 1861-65; V. of Masborough1865-70.

Saturday 8 October 1892

The Cradock Register records that on Monday Mr. E.H. GILFILLAN, [sic, should be GEDYE] Attorney and Auctioneer of that town, was united in matrimony at St.Peter’s Church, by the Rev. W.C. WALLIS, to Miss Amy GILFILLAN, second daughter of Mr. John GILFILLAN, Land Surveyor of Glen Heath. Middelburg district. We offer the young couple our sincerest congratulations and wishes for their future happiness.

Tuesday 11 October 1892

DIED at his father’s residence on the 8th October, William Gregory, 5th son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LEPPAN, of Tea Fountain, aged 25 years and 4 months.

DIED suddenly near Steynsburg, on the 4th Oct 1892, George Wedderburn DUFFIELD, aged 66 years and 1 month. Deceased leaves a large family to mourn their loss.
“Not lost but gone before”.

On Sunday week a horrible murder was committed at Viskfontein, near Pietersburg, Transvaal. A white girl fifteen years of age, named Katrina JANSSON, was found in an enclosure of prickly pears with her throat cut from ear to ear. The Public Prosecutor proceeded to the spot, and after enquiries arrested her married sister named PYPER, against whom there is strong suspicion. The prisoner is now in gaol.

We are sorry to learn of the somewhat sudden death of Mr. G.W. DUFFIELD, which occurred on the farm of Mrs. BOTHA, Strydpoort, about 16 miles from Steynsburg, on Tuesday last. The deceased came to Cradock about 35 years ago, and for many years made this his headquarters, journeying from there to the northern parts with medicines &c. He had acquired a great reputation among the farmers for the treatment of various ailments, while his sterling honesty of purpose secured him the respect and esteem of all. Mr. DUFFIELD was one of the” Cradock [Bricak]” who made the memorable march to Whittlesea, and gallantly relieved the inhabitants of that village at the time they were besieged by rebel Hottentots.

By the death of this lady, who was the third daughter of the late William WRIGHT Esq., so long resident in Grahamstown, this city has lost one of its most esteemed residents, and it now becomes our sad duty to pay our tribute of respect to her memory, a memory fragrant to large numbers in our community. The late Mrs. John WOOD was of a retiring disposition, shrinking from anything like publicity, but notwithstanding we feel that a few words must be written in remembrance of the life gone from us, a life characterised by so much unselfish thought for others. Perhaps the two chief characteristics of the late Mrs. WOOD’s life were a lowly estimate of herself, and a great deal of thought for those with whom she was brought into contact. The former was no doubt sometimes carried to an extreme; the latter was a marked feature of her life up to the end. During great physical pain the day before her death she even then thought of numerous absent relatives and friends, sending them loving messages, to the surprise of those who knew how distressing her sufferings were at the time. Even those who had but slight knowledge of Mrs. WOOD could not fail to be struck by her sympathetic spirit. She was ever ready, not only with words, but with acts of kindness. One who saw her constantly said: “I have known Mrs. WOOD for twenty-seven years, and I never saw a frown on her face.” Living among flowers, and passionately fond of them, she often made them messengers to others of her affection or regard. Children easily won their way to her heart, and she was always ready to give them pleasure. Towards young and old there was always kindly consideration. Mrs. WOOD could not make an enemy.
The end when it came, came very peacefully, and the tired sufferer was at rest. Death in this case was in no sense the King of Terrors.
All through her life Mrs. WOOD was connected with the Wesleyan Church, and whether here or in Capetown, or in England, was a loyal member of it. Her sympathies, however, were not restricted to it, and her memory will be treasured by numbers of friends wherever she was known. In any charitable work, bazaar in aid of Church funds, or scheme of Christian benevolence, Mrs. WOOD was always ready to render assistance with her hands, advice and means.

Thursday 13 October 1892

At Kimberley on Friday Mr. J. EDWARDS, manager of Graham & Co, Stationers, and representative in connection with the Exhibition matters of Messrs. Richards and Sons, Capetown, Printers, and late caterer of the Diamond Fields Club, shot himself fatally through the right lung. Mr. EDWARDS, who was formerly well known as a Capetown resident, was a Lieutenant in the Kimberley Scots, Secretary to the D.F. Scottish Association and also Secretary to the Exhibition Agricultural Show.

The Farm Kadabest, about half an hour’s walk from Upington, was on Sunday last (says the Cape Times) the scene of a very sad lightning fatality. It appears that while Mrs. VAN DER COLFF was sitting at breakfast with her husband and children a flash of lightning struck the corner of the house, penetrating through the wall, instantaneously killing her, and severely injuring her husband. The lightning struck the lady at the back of her head, and passed down her body, scorching the poor woman frightfully, and tearing the shoes which she had on her feet as though they were cut with a knife. The flash also struck Mr. VAN DER COLFF across the legs, severely burning them, and rendering him unconscious. When the husband had sufficiently recovered from the shock to get up, he found his wife lying near him dead, and his children on the opposite side of the room happily uninjured. The children’s escape was most miraculous. Mrs. VAN DER COLFF was a woman of about twenty-nine years of age, a zealous Christian, and a woman who was respected by everyone with whom she came in contact.

The many friends in Grahamstown of the Rev. R. Walton LEWIS, Wesleyan Minister, will hear with deep regret of his decease, which occurred on Tuesday last after a long and painful illness. We are sorry to learn also that the Rev. G. NOBLE died last week at Ookiep, Namaqualand, whither he had been sent with the hope that the dry air would do him good. He however had an attack of influenza some months ago, with the after effects of which his constitution was too enfeebled to cope. Both the deceased were young ministers of great earnestness and promise. To the bereaved widows and families we can but offer sincerest condolences.

Saturday 15 October 1892

At O’okiep, Namaqualand, on Oct 10th 1892, Rev. George NOBLE, Wesleyan Minister, aged 27 years and 8 months.
“He rests from his labours, and his works do follow him.”

DIED October 11th at Kamastone, Robert Walton LEWIS, Wesleyan Minister, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude, in the 33rd year of his age.

DIED at Grahamstown October 14th 1892, Bryan CONNOR, aged 66 years and 17 days. R.I.P.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Market-square, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

The Argus says: An accident of a dreadful character, which terminated fatally, occurred in the district at the top of Dorp-street yesterday. Mr. Hendrik PENTZ, dairyman, has had in his keeping a young half-bred Dutch bull, usually of a quiet character, and with which he had become so familiar that the relations between them might almost be described as affectionate. Yesterday, at noon, Mr. PENTZ went as usual into the stable to feed the animal, and presumably he was in his Sunday garments and the bull did not recognise him, or else he had become irritated by hunger. The real cause of the outbreak will never now be known, Mr. PENTZ being quite alone at the time; but at all events his wife and his brother, who were in the adjoining house, heard piercing screams proceeding from the stable and, rushing thither, found the bull kneeling upon the man and goring him with his horns. With great difficulty and risk they dragged Mr. PENTZ away, got him into the house and sent for Dr. PETERSEN, who on arrival examined the poor fellow. He was injured in a terrible manner. Two or three ribs were broken, and the lower part of the body mutilated in a dreadful manner. Dr. PETERSEN at once obtained the assistance of his brother, and used every effort to alleviate the sufferings of the man, but recovery was hopeless from the first, and after lingering in great agony for twelve hours, Mr. PENTZ died at midnight. We regret to add that deceased leaves a widow and six children, and that they are totally unprovided for. The bull has not been killed and it is not intended to do so. A correspondent informs us that the bull is very insecurely stabled, and in fact has broken loose this morning. It can only be repeated that the destruction of the animal is an important public duty, and the subject is a matter for the immediate attention of the police.

The heaviest hailstorm known for the past ten years, accompanied by chain lightning, commenced at 1pm, and there is every appearance of its keeping on for another two hours. Great damage has been done to property and fruit trees. The lightning is simply blinding. Hailstones are ranging in size from pigeon’s eggs to small marbles.
The storm is over. A farmer named TROLLIP in trying to cross a sluit last night was washed away and drowned. The whole of the Cape Police will go out this morning to search for the body, for which a good reward is offered.

We greatly regret to learn that the Mr. TROLLIP who was drowned at Cradock yesterday during the storm was Mr. John TROLLIP of Daggaboer. This sad news was communicated in a private telegram, which reached town this morning. The death under such painful circumstances of one of our best known and most respected farmers in that district will be universally deplored.

Tuesday 18 October 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown Oct 17th 1892, the wife of T.F. HUTCHINSON of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown Oct 17, William MEADEN, Rector of Bathurst, Colonial Chaplain, aged 67 years.

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown, 18th Oct 1892, Elizabeth, the dearly beloved wife of Donald MACPHERSON.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of her husband, Mr. D. MACPHERSON, Bathurst Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. No special invitations. Friends kindly invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.


We have to record with sincere regret the wife of Mrs. D. MACPHERSON, the wife of our esteemed fellow-citizen, and for many years a prominent member of the Wesleyan Church here. She was best known for her zealous efforts on behalf of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society, whose charitable endeavours are so well known all over the city, especially where penury exists. We have no space today to do more than publish the sad tidings of her death in brief, and to assure the widower and the bereaved family of our sincere sympathy.

The Rev. W. MEADEN, late rector of Bathurst, and one of the few surviving Government Chaplains, has also joined the great majority, having passed away yesterday. It is now many months since he was thrown from his horse at Bathurst, and ever since he has lain at the Hospital absolutely helpless, but suffering at times excruciating agony. More than once he observed that were it not his duty to submit patiently and without murmur to the Divine Will, he could wish that the fall from his horse had killed him on the spot. There are many (not only amongst his former parishioners, but also here and in other places) who will sorrow at his death under such exceptionally sad circumstances, how sad only those who know the family intimately can judge.

Thursday 20 October 1892

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Oct 17th 1892, the wife of C.J. ROBERTS of a daughter.

MARRIED at Salem on Oct 19 1892, by the Rev. T. Spargo, Joseph Gurney GUSH, of Woodbury, to Margaret Eliza MATTHEWS.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s, Alice, on October 19th 1892, by the Rev. Robert Martin, George, eldest son of the late Stephen JOHNSON M.L.A., to Amy, second daughter of the late James WOOD.

Married at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on Tuesday afternoon, 18th October1892, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, assisted by the Rev. Hedley V. Taylor MA, of Capetown, Walter Henry HOWSE, of Port Elizabeth, to Jessie GOWIE, of Oatlands Park, Grahamstown.

Trinity Church was crowded on Tuesday afternoon by a large congregation of the friends and well-wishers of one of our most esteemed “daughters of the City”, Miss Jessie GOWIE, who was united in marriage to Mr. Walter H. HOWSE, a former resident here, and organist of Trinity Church, but now fulfilling a similar function at Port Elizabeth. The service, which was particularly bright and cheerful, was conducted by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, assisted by Rev. Hedley V. TAYLOR MA, of Capetown, the choral portions being rendered with pleasing effect by the choir of the Church, of which Miss GOWIE was a member for some years. The bride, who looked charming, was attired in a rich costume designed by her clever brother, Mr. Robert GOWIE, who may fitly be termed the colonial WORTH, such is his acknowledged skill and taste in this branch of art. We have been carful to obtain a technical description of this “dream of fashion” and it is described as a gown of grey crepon trimmed with ivory guipure and ribbons. The bodice was made in the new seamless style, with three rows of ribbons round the back; finishing with rosettes in front, a deep bertha of lace on shoulders. The skirt was cut in the new style, fitting over bodice below the waist. The fair bride also wore a hat of grey chip, trimmed with osprey feathers; and carried a beautiful specimen of the new “shower” bouquet of choice flowers. She was attended by her two sisters, Miss Barbara GOWIE and Miss Carrie GOWIE, as bridesmaids. There was no groomsman, nor was one necessary, the groom himself being fully competent for the occasion. She was “given away” by her eldest brother, Mr. William GOWIE of Oatlands Park. The costumes worn by the bridesmaids were also conspicuous for their beauty and finish. Miss B. GOWIE wore a gown of soft black French material with narrow cords of blue silk running through it. The bodice had a yoke and deep cuffs of blue faille, covered with black guipure, and deep pointed corslet of the new reversible satin ribbon in black and blue, a thick ruche of the same running round the edge of the skirt. She also wore a very becoming black chip hat, trimmed with blue velvet and black ostrich plumes, with large paste buckle, and carried a bouquet of yellow roses and blue forget-me-nots tied up with black and blue ribbons. Her sister, Miss Carrie GOWIE, was attired in a gown of shot silk, covered with very fine black fancy grenadine, a deep round corslet of black guipure with frills of lace over the shoulders, and round the neck. She wore a hat of black guipure, trimmed with flowers, and had a bouquet of two shades of roses to blend with the shot silk. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to Oatlands Park, where there was a large reception of friends, and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter HOWSE left for Port Elizabeth, carrying with them the hearty good wishes of all who knew them for their future prosperity and happiness.

At Johannesburg, Mr. James ERSKINE, draper, poisoned himself on Thursday night whilst under mental depression, caused by financial trouble. Mooi Jan, the Kafir murderer, committed suicide in gaol by swallowing some kafir root which he managed to secrete. The poison used is well known amongst the natives and causes death by degrees. For days the man suffered terrible agony from the effects of it.

The remains of this esteemed lady were interred yesterday afternoon in the Wesleyan Cemetery in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends. A short but impressive service was held at the Commemoration Church, conducted by the Rev. Theo. CHUBB BA and the Rev.H. COTTON, the final service at the grave being read by the same ministers and the Rev. A.W. CRAGG. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and played the Dead March as the mourners left the Church. The pall-bearers were the Hon. Wm. AYLIFF and Messrs. Hy. WOOD, T.H. PARKER and C.J. STIRK. The principal mourners were the bereaved husband and son, who have the sincere sympathy of the community. The wreaths deposited by friends were both numerous and beautiful, and the whole scene solemn and impressive.

The funeral of the late Rector of Bathurst, and one of the last remaining Colonial Chaplains under the old regime, was conducted on Tuesday afternoon. The body was brought down from the Albany Hospital to the Cathedral, where it was met by the clergy of the city. The solemn service in the Cathedral was read by the Very Revd. the Dean of Grahamstown, the portions appointed for the grave being impressively read by the Rev. M. NORTON of Christ Church and the Rev. Canon ESPIN. The pall-bearers were the Rev. Canon Wharton SMITH, the Rev. Precentor CARTER and the Revs. PARKHURST and WHITE. There was not so large an attendance of followers as there would have been had it been possible for communication to have reached Bathurst, from whence, no doubt, a large number of parishioners and officials of the Church would have come to pay their last respects to the memory of their late Rector. As it was, the attendance of the clergy was numerous, several ladies and a few personal friends also followed, and many wreaths testified to the respect in which the memory of the deceased clergyman was held. He died at the age of 67, after a faithful ministry of over thirty years duration. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. A. WILL with attention and becoming decorum.

We gladly give a welcome to the Rev. Robert MATTERSON, who was for so long one of the Wesleyan Ministers of the Grahamstown Circuit, and who left many friends here when he removed to the Transkei. He is a passenger, with his recently wedded wife, per intermediate steamer Lismore Castle, and is the guest of Mr. D. KNIGHT, Oatlands. He is leaving tonight to catch the steamer for Natal, for Osborn on the borders of Pondoland, his present station.

Last Saturday morning, before breakfast, James COLLETT, a lad of about fourteen, reached Cradock in company with a native herd of Mr. HEATHCOTE’s, and told the sad news that his uncle, Mr. John TROLLIP of Daggaboer, had been washed down Holts Sluit during the severe thunderstorm on Friday afternoon. He says they left Daggaboer about noon on Friday in the buggy, intending sleeping in Cradock and returning on Saturday afternoon. They were soon caught in light rains, and later on in heavy storms. At the sluit below the cutting they out-spanned about half an hour to allow the water to lower. When they got to Holts Sluit, about four miles below Cradock, they found it running strong. Mr. TROLLIP got out, and walked down to see if it was passable. It is said that on his last journey to town he remarked that this sluit was bad enough to go through dry, let alone when it was full. Possibly it was made worse by this rush of water, but Mr. TROLLIP thought he could get through, and probably wanted to push on in case Kafir’s Leegte might be getting impassable. Mr. TROLLIP was driving, and both had their overcoats on. The events of the next few seconds cannot be clearly described, but from the accounts furnished by the survivor and eye witness, Mr. HEATHCOTE’s herd, Jan OCTOBER, and from an inspection of the scene, it seems that the buggy turned down the stream directly it got in the drift, capsized directly after, and both occupants found themselves in the water. COLLETT managed to get out, he knows not how, on the Cradock side of the sluit, and saw the buggy lodge against some obstruction. Then he saw his uncle, still holding the reins, climb up on the wheel, but one of the horses was plunging and he thinks must have kicked him off, and he saw him apparently swimming down the stream. COLLETT ran along the bank, but soon lost sight of him. Jan OCTOBER, knowing a narrow point in the sluit that he frequently jumped across, ran thither hoping to catch anybody that might come through. Nothing, however, passed on the surface, and it seems pretty certain that the body must have been carried down under water, and speedily found its way to the Great Fish River, a distance of about 200 yards. As Kafir’s Leegte was also impassable the survivor had to spend the night with Mr. HEATHCOTE’s herd.
Early Saturday morning these two made a thorough search along the sluit, which had run down during the night, but no trace of the body could be found. The two men then rode into Cradock with the sad tidings. Search parties were at once organised, and through the kindness of the C.C., F.P. PETT Esq., some of the Cape Police were sent off at once. Two parties of natives followed along either side of the river, the telegraph was set to work, and the assistance of farmers along the river was invoked.
An organised search for the body was vigorously prosecuted Saturday, Sunday, Monday. The river was worked in sections from Cradock to Middleton, a distance of 400 miles, and the railway and telegraph lines rendered valuable assistance. Saturday evening a pair of trousers were brought to town; these were at once forwarded to the farm and proved to be a spare pair that had washed out of the portmanteau. Sunday, a party started early to dig out the buggy a some indulged the hope that the body might have been arrested by it, and got covered with sand. The hope was slight but worth following up. After this was abandoned, the party started digging at the junction of the sluit and the river, in the hope of finding that the body had lodged there, and been buried in the sand deposited there by the eddying waters.
On Sunday a portion of shirt was found just above Witmoss, and the [cart cushion] below there. Monday morning about ten o’clock the body was discovered near Klipfontein siding on a farm adjoining deceased’s property. The coffin that had been prepared in readiness was sent down the line, and the body removed that evening.
The scene of the accident was visited by large numbers of townspeople on Sunday. The buggy after resting as narrated above got carried down into a narrow gorge, where the herd was watching for the bodies. Here it could not pass. The horses were drowned, and though the tent was gone and the body of the buggy destroyed, the pole remained intact. Had the harness been less substantial, the strong horses would probably have saved themselves.
The funeral took place at Daggaboer on Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock.
The Midland News adds the following obituary:
The late Mr. John TROLLIP was born at Grahamstown, 8th May 1828. His parents, William and Patience TROLLIP, moved up to Daggaboer in 1838, and the deceased had thus lived on the same farm for more than half a century. During the troublous times in the forties and fifties, Daggaboer was practically on the border of the Colony, and farming was attended with daily risk to life.
It was a terrible night at the homestead when two of the deceased’s brothers did not come home from their search for stock. Shots had been heard just at dusk, but it was useless risking a search by night for the bodies that all feared must be lying in the veld wounded or dead. The early morning revealed two corpses within a few hundred yards of the house, killed by the rebel Hottentots. A tombstone in the little graveyard bears the legend: “They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided”. During these times the deceased was constantly risking his life in guarding or recovering stock. Many were the hair-breadth escapes he had. On one occasion he found 9 Kafirs going off with 70 head of cattle, and though quite alone he succeeded in regaining them; he shot one man, when the rest abandoned their plunder and seemed afraid to try to prevent him taking the lot home.
He was married in 1851 to Martha, daughter of the late James COLLETT M.L.A., and for forty years they lived most happily together. Just a year ago his devoted wife died. He asked us particularly to mention when writing of her that “though she had no children of her own, she brought up a good many”. In this generous work they were happily united, and many there are who today mourn their loss, and for ever will feel grateful for the substantial help afforded them in the battle of life. The hospitality of Daggaboer was well known, and Mr. TROLLIP, who was a keen sportsman and good shot, enjoyed having visitors from near and far to a hunt, but he would never allow the game to be exterminated.
Mr. Jno. TROLLIP was a man of ideas and also a man of action. He thought a good deal, had his own opinions and vigorously expressed them. But his ideas generally took a very practical shape. A few years ago “dry lands” were the hobby, and many a crop has been harvested from land that previously no one had expected to see the plough in. Only the other day he gave the Baviaan’s River farmers his experience of locust destruction. He had no patience with battling with them with flags &c, to save a crop, but directed his energies to destroying the voetgangers before sunrise instead of trying to turn them after. Various circumstances favoured him in accumulating wealth, and he made a wiser use of his opportunities than most men do. Moreover, being in easy or affluent circumstances never lessened his energies in pursuing his farming operations. Work was a part of his religion.

Tuesday 25 October 1892

A correspondent writes:
On Tuesday morning October 11 the Rev. Robert Walton LEWIS passed peacefully away at the Wesleyan Mission House, Kamastone, after a severe and prolonged illness of more than two years. Mr. LEWIS visited England last year, and seemed better while under the care of the English physicians, yet he was in a very weak state on his return and for some time was exceedingly ill, but he rallied, and the Conference of 1892 reappointed him to Kamastone; for some months his friends hoped that at the end of the year he would be able to take up again with his old vigour the work in which his heart rejoiced, but about a month before his death he caught the influenza. His strength then rapidly failed, and he was visibly nearing the end. His patience under his great suffering was marvellous, he never complained though everyone knew what confinement meant to him, as his whole soul was in his work, and he loved always to be up and doing. His stay at Kamastone will long be remembered both by Europeans and Natives, he was truly loved and highly respected, in trouble or sickness he was ever willing to lend a helping hand, and ever unmindful of himself when duty called.
The funeral took place on Thursday and was attended by nearly five hundred Natives and English, many of the English friends coming from the Zwaart Kei, where Mr. LEWIS was in the habit of holding a monthly English service, and several ministers were present from neighbouring circuits. The coffin was borne by English friends to the Church, from thence to the grave by the Natives, the service being partly in English and partly in Kafir. The latter being conducted by the Rev. J.R. CURNICK, Mr. LEWIS’s assistant, and the English by the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH. The Rev. George WEAVER offered a most beautiful prayer, and touchingly expressed the sympathy those present felt for the widow in her heavy trial, his words helping all to trust in the goodness of the Eternal Father, his own sympathy being shown in the very tones of his voice. The church was draped with black, and the coffin was almost covered by wreaths and crosses of white flowers, sent by loving and sorrowful friends.
By his own request Mr. LEWIS was buried by the side of James MATSHOBA, a native local preacher who died three or four years ago and who had won the thorough respect of all who knew him.
[Transcriber’s Note: Three further lengthy paragraphs describe the funeral in further detail, but no personal details are given.]

(From a correspondent)
This peaceful little village was on Wednesday last the scene of no small stir and excitement, the cause of which might be found in the fact that on that morning Mr. J. Gurney GUSH of Woodbury was about to be united in the happy bonds of wedlock to Miss Daisy MATTHEWS, the second daughter of our esteemed special J.P. Long before the time specified the bells were ringing merrily, and eager spectators were wending their way to the church. Punctually at the hour the bride arrived, supported by her father, and the happy couple took their place at the altar, while the choir sang “The voice that breathed o’er Eden”. Miss Amy MATTHEWS ably filled the position of bridesmaid, and the bridegroom was well supported by Mr. Chas. SLATER of Carnarvondale. I will not go into a description of the bridal costume, or some fair one pleading for women’s rights will be able to point to my blundering description as a proof of the incompetence of that inferior animal, man. I may however state that I heard a lady say that the bride wore a white cashmere dress with wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet of flowers which had come from the Botanical Gardens, and that Miss Amy MATTHEWS wore a white crepecloth dress &c. and – we need nobody to tell us this – that they both looked charming. After the ceremony the parties passed out to the strains of the Wedding March rendered by Miss Harriet FLETCHER, who for the occasion had kindly supplied the place of the Organist, Miss Mildred MATTHEWS. Numerus vehicles soon conveyed the friends to the home of the bride, where we had an opportunity of seeing the splendid array of wedding presents, all of them useful and many costly. We were next confronted with a goodly array of tempting viands, and after doing full justice to these came the time-honoured toasts. The health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed in a few suitable words by the Rev. T. SPARGO, and was responded to in a neat little speech by the bridegroom. Mr. David MASSON then proposed the health of the bridesmaid, which was suitably responded to by Mr. Chas. SLATER. Mr. Geo. R. GUSH proposed the parents, which drew responses from both Mr. MATTHEWS and Mr. GUSH. Mr. Joseph GUSH then proposed the Clergy, to which the Rev. T. SPARGO responded. At 3 o’clock the bride and bridegroom started for Kimberley, amid the hearty good wishes of all.

Thursday 27 October 1892

Mr. Saul SOLOMON, who was born at St.Helena in May 1817, was a son of Mr. Joseph SOLOMON of that island, brother to Mr. Saul SOLOMON, founder of the firm Solomon, Moss & Co., who for nearly a century have been leading merchants at St.Helena. In 1822, or when he was barely five years old, young Saul was sent to England to be educated, and spent six years in the Old Country, returning to St.Helena in 1828. The three succeeding years were spent at the Hon. East India Company’s High School, St.Helena, under Mr. John R. FIRMIN, and a career of marked ability there was only broken when the whole family of which he was a member removed to the Cape in 1831. Arrived at Capetown, Saul’s parents sent the lad to the South African College, where his schooling was completed, to be followed by a career of business and political activity, which have left their indelible mark upon the cape and South Africa. Entering into partnership with Mr. George GREIG, Saul SOLOMON began life as an engraver, having establishments both in Grave-street and Darling-street; but in 1847 or 1848 the partners established a printing office in St.George’s Street, on the premises now occupied by Messrs. J.G. Steytler & Co. Thence the firm removed to Longmarket-street, taking the premises still in use as works by the Argus Company, and afterwards they took the premises in St.George’s-street now also occupied by the Company. The firm was then carried on under the style of Saul Solomon & Co. They were the Government printing contracts for many years, and had practically a monopoly of all big printing and lithographic work in the Colony. Mr. SOLOMON realised a handsome fortune, outside a liberal scale of personal expenditure throughout the late portion of his career. The firm took over from Messrs. DARNELL & MURRAY the Cape Argus a very few years after its dashing start by those enterprising gentlemen. For nearly a quarter of a century the paper reflected the views of Mr. SOLOMON, and was necessarily recognised as his “organ”. In 1881, when Mr. SOLOMON’s health had already begun to give way, he parted with the paper, which was purchased by F.J. DORMER, by whom again in 1887 it was transferred to the Argus Company. The Cape Mercantile Advertiser, which had been run for many years in conjunction with the Argus, remained in the hands of Saul Solomon & Co., coming back to the Argus (with which it is now incorporated) upon the Argus Company acquiring the business of Saul Solomon & Co in 1886. Mr. Saul SOLOMON had no personal connection with the business then for three of four years.
Mr. SOLOMON entered the Cape parliament in 1851 as member for Capetown, which seat he retained, with an interval of one year (1869) until 1883 when, his health breaking down, he retired both from business and politics.
Mr. Saul SOLOMON married Miss Georgina THOMPSON, Principal of the Good Hope Seminary, and has had five children. One was drowned, under sad circumstances, in the reservoir at Sea Point, into which she accidentally fell, the Governess, who attempted a rescue, being drowned at the same time. Another child has since died in England, but three are still living, two sons and a daughter, the eldest of the two sons having just passed the preliminary Examination for one of the Universities. For the past few years the family have resided in England, though Mr. SOLOMON has twice revisited the Cape.

[Transcriber’s Note: UK Probate Index
SOLOMON, Saul, of Clarensville, Sea Point, Cape of Good Hope, gentleman, died 16 October 1892 at Windsor, Kilcreggan, Dunbartonshire, North Britain. Probate London 25 May 1895 to Georgina Margaret SOLOMON, widow. Effects £866 5s.]

Saturday 29 October 1892

BIRTH at Alexandria on Oct 17th 1892, the wife of Corpl. J. NICHOLAS of a son.

The will (dated the 29th July 1892) of Charlotte WOOD (born WRIGHT) of Grahamstown, was filed on the 12th October 1892 by the surviving spouse John Edwin WOOD. The testatrix devised that after the payment of all necessary expenses her property should be divided as follows: to her four sisters, Julia GREATHEAD, Eliza Jane SPACKMAN, Emily GADD and Rose Isabella BATE, £200 each: to her nephews, John Edwin Wood GADD and the Rev. Wm. Shaw CALDECOTT, £100 each: to her nieces, Rose Jane SPACKMAN and Fanny BARRETT, £50 each: to her nephews, Harold Emery GADD and Selby Montagu GADD, £25 each: to her nieces, Rosa GREATHEAD, Emily SMITH, Ellen Jane Graves FRANKLIN, Ada Margaret de MORGAN, Beatrice Madeline BALDERSTONE and Charlotte CROZIER, £25 each: to the Rev. Robert LAMPLOUGH and wife, £25: the Rev. Sendick ABRAHAM and wife, £25: to Letitia [L..E], Walter LAMPLOUGH, Charlotte McMASTER and the Albany General Hospital, £25 each. The residue of the estate, both real and personal, to go to the surviving spouse, John Edwin WOOD.

  • Hits: 1854